If you are wondering whether you should choose Bitget or MEXC as your crypto exchange, you have come to the right place. We have extensively tested both crypto exchanges, MEXC and Bitget, and we considered all key factors such as security, fees, liquidity, reliability, and user-friendliness. At the end of this comparison between MEXC vs Bitget, you will know exactly which crypto exchange suits your needs best!
MEXC vs Bitget Overview
First, we will give you a quick overview. Below, you will find a table comparing all key measures of Bitget and MEXC at a glance.
MEXC Pros & Cons
The most complete cryptocurrency futures trading platform is provided by MEXC with deep liquidity, a reliable interface, and high leverage of 200x. As MEXC does not require KYC verification, all transactions are completely private.
MEXC offers the lowest fees for spot and futures traders. You can even trade on MEXC without any fees with 0% spot rates.
A maker fee of 0% and a taker fee of 0.03% will be charged for futures traders which is the lowest rate of all crypto exchanges.
Additionally, MEXC supports more than 1800 distinct cryptos, so you may find all that you need!
The deficiency of FIAT support is one of MEXC’s greatest shortcomings. Because MEXC presently lacks on- and off-ramps, you have to first buy USDT or other cryptocurrencies elsewhere before depositing them to MEXC.
If you want to learn more about the exchange, you can read our full MEXC review.
MEXC Pros & Cons
👍 MEXC Pros | 👎 MEXC Cons |
✅ Lowest Trading Fees | ❌ Lacks FIAT support |
✅ Best Liquidity | ❌ Lacks Passive Income Products |
✅ 1700+ Cryptos | ❌ Inferior Copy Trading to Bitget |
✅ No KYC | ❌ No US users allowed |
✅ 200x Leverage | |
✅ More Advanced than Bitget |
Bitget Pros & Cons
Bitget is one of the best copy-trading crypto platforms in the world and actually made the number 1 spot in our copy-trading list. It is super simple to set up and there are many professional traders that you can choose from.
Furthermore, Bitget offers a great spot and futures trading platform with an incredibly well-designed trading interface. In fact, we consider Bitget to be one of the most user-friendly crypto exchanges due to its well-designed platform. It is simple to navigate and very stable without any bugs or network errors, even during highly volatile times.
Similar to MEXC, Bitget does not require KYC verification so that traders can stay anonymous while trading on the platform.
The fees on Bitget are fair and even lower than the industry standard. 0.1% spot fees and 0.02% maker and 0.06% taker fees for futures traders are good rates. However, MEXC is known to be the cheapest crypto exchange, making it hard for Bitget to compare in terms of value for money. Overall, Bitget has low trading fees, but they are more than 6x higher compared to MEXC. This is an important factor to consider for day traders.
If you want to learn more about the exchange, you can read our full Bitget review.
Bitget Pros & Cons
👍 Bitget Pros | 👎 Bitget Cons |
✅ FIAT Deposits & Withdrawals | ❌ Relatively High Fees (6x higher than MEXC) |
✅ Best Copy Trading | ❌ No US traders allowed |
✅ 500+ Cryptos | ❌ Lacks Financial and Earn Products |
✅ Most User-Friendly Platform | ❌ Higher Spread Than MEXC |
✅ Highest trading volume | ❌ Requires KYC (Since September 2023) |
MEXC vs Bitget: Who wins?
This is a tough comparison as both exchanges, MEXC and Bitget, are at the top of the game in certain sectors. For copy trading, Bitget is by far the best choice. The copy trading feature is simple to use and a great way to make passive income. Furthermore, Bitget is one of the most user and beginner-friendly crypto exchanges we have come across and they even offer fiat support. So if you are new to trading, Bitget might be best for you! MEXC on the other hand offers the cheapest trading but it is more complicated to use due to more advanced trading features. So if you are a serious trader, MEXC is your best shot.
In terms of sign-up and KYC, both exchanges are very similar and you can trade while staying anonymous.
If you are looking for an easy-to-use and reliable crypto trading platform that even offers copy trading, Bitget is definitely the best choice for you. Also, Bitget supports 6 fiat currencies, including EUR, GBP, and USD, for deposits and withdrawals via Bank Transfer.
If you look for the cheapest crypto exchange for self-trading, and you are already an advanced trader, then MEXC offers the best value for money. Furthermore, with 1700 supported cryptos, MEXC has a lot more cryptocurrencies to offer than Bitget.