Bitget Offers Trading Bonus for New Users (Limited Time Offer)


May 20, 2024
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Bitget Trading Bonus


Bitget Trading Bonus
Prize Pool 15,000 USDT
Activities App Download | First Deposit | First Trade 
Event Period May 07 2024, 11:00 AM – May 31, 2024, 11:00 AM (UTC)


Whether you’ve been trading for a long time, are just getting started, or are looking for a new platform, the Bitget Trading Bonus Event is an excellent opportunity. Each user can earn up to 15 USDT, providing a solid start for anyone interested in trading. This event specifically aims to encourage the South Asian trading community, including traders from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka, to participate and showcase their trading skills.

The event’s inclusive and supportive environment caters to helping people from all across the world feel welcomed to the community of trading. So don’t miss out on it because it will serve to be a valuable experience, with rewards and incentives to help traders at all levels of experience. 


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Bitget Trading Bonus

The Bitget Trading Bonus is a fantastic opportunity for users looking for the perfect time to start their trading journey. This event is specifically designed for users in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka to earn trading bonuses.


The rewards are limited to the first 1,000 users who successfully complete the registration process, so participation is on a first-come, first-served basis. To join, users must click the ‘Registration’ button on the event page and ensure they download the app through the specified link. Rewards will be distributed within 12 working days after the activity ends, based on the Bitget market price at the time of distribution. Only master accounts are eligible for the event, while market makers, API traders, and institutional accounts are excluded.


Event Period:May 07 2024, 11:00 AM – May 31, 2024, 11:00 AM (UTC)


How to Participate:

  • Click the ‘Registration’ button on the Bitget Trading Bonus event page to complete your entry. Please note that your entry will not be valid without this step.
  • Participants only from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka are eligible for this event.


How to Win:

  • Download the Bitget App and complete KYC to receive a trading bonus of 2-5 USDT.
  • Make your first deposit of at least 50 USDT after downloading the app to get a trading bonus of 2-5 USDT.
  • Complete your first trade of at least 50 USDT after downloading the app to earn a trading bonus of 2-5 USDT


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Terms and Conditions

  1. Rewards are limited to the first 1,000 participants, distributed on a first-come, first-served basis.
  2. This campaign is exclusively for users in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka who successfully register.
  3. Rewards will be distributed within 12 working days after the event ends.
  4. The value of the distributed tokens will be based on the Bitget market price at the time of distribution.
  5. Only main accounts are eligible. Market makers, API traders, and institutional accounts are not eligible.


Begin Your Trading Journey With Bitget Today!

Bitget is committed to fostering a global trading community, ensuring everyone has equal opportunities. To welcome newcomers, Bitget frequently introduces incentives custom made for them. If you’re ready to head on your trading journey today and you just so happen to be from the South Asian region, Bitget awaits with enticing rewards just for you. Explore the Bitget Trading Bonus, where you’ll experience a fair and guaranteed chance to win up to 15 USDT.

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